Activestin - Weight loss (Global)

Activestin is a supplement rich in natural nutrients and active ingredients, capable of absorbing and breaking down fats, cleansing the body of toxic substances and activating the basic metabolism, counteracting the feeling of hunger. This revolutionary product, which has just entered the Italian scene, was created with the idea of losing weight through the ketogenic diet.

What is the ketogenic diet?

The ketogenic diet is a form of low-carb diet: with 20-50 grams of carbohydrates per day, it is extremely low in carbohydrates but high in healthy fats and contains an individually appropriate amount of protein. Due to the lack of carbohydrates, the metabolism changes and the so-called ketosis.
What exactly is ketosis? Normally, the body obtains energy from carbohydrates supplied with food - so it is dependent on the supply of carbohydrates. If these carbohydrates are missing as an energy source, the body must find other ways to help itself. In the liver, fats are then converted into so-called ketone bodies, which are used instead of carbohydrates to generate energy and, for example, maintain brain performance.
This state of energy production is called ketosis and is the principle on which the ketogenic diet is based. The body needs some time to get used to this changed process.

What does the ketogenic diet look like? During the ketogenic diet, energy needs should be met in the following ways :

Carbohydrates: 5
Proteins: 35
Fat: 60

What foods are prohibited? For those who want to eat keto, carbohydrate-containing foods are taboo. Therefore, the following products are not recommended on the ketogenic diet:

Cereals: amaranth, buckwheat, barley, spelled, oats, millet, corn, quinoa, rice, rye and all cereal products (bread, rolls, muesli, pasta, etc.)
Legumes: peas, chickpeas, lentils, beans Starchy vegetables: potatoes, corn, sweet potatoes Fruits high in sugar: pineapple, banana, pear, pomegranate, persimmon, mango, cherries, grapes, cantaloupe (e.g. cantaloupe, galia, futuro, honey), dried fruits (all types) Sweet and salty snacks: chips, ice cream, jellies, cakes, cookies, chocolates, etc.
Nuts, seeds and grains rich in carbohydrates: cashews, sunflower seeds Sweetened dairy products: all types with fruit preserves or flavors (fruit buttermilk, fruit yogurt, fruit cottage cheese, vanilla pudding, chocolate milk, etc.)
Sweetened drinks: energy drinks, fruit juices and smoothies, carbonated drinks Sweeteners: honey, syrups, sugar (all types)

What foods are allowed?

The list of banned products is long, so what remains? It is especially important that the basis is low-carbohydrate vegetables. Foods containing fat and protein complete the menu.
These foods are recommended: Low-carb vegetables: eggplant, lettuce (all types), cauliflower, broccoli, kale, fennel, kohlrabi, chard, pak choi, radish, radish, cucumber, celery (celery and celeriac), asparagus, spinach, tomatoes, zucchini Meat: Prefer light varieties such as chicken, rabbit and turkey Fish:
all types,
preferably from sustainable catches
Seafood : oysters,
Milk and dairy products : cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, whipped cream, skyr; Prefer the high-fat variant eggs Low-carb nuts and seeds: chia seeds, hemp seeds, almonds, macadamia, pecans, unsweetened nut butters Mushrooms : all types (except shiitake mushrooms) low-sugar fruits : avocado, berries and citrus fruits (in moderation) Fats and oils : butter, hemp oil, linseed oil, virgin coconut oil, olive oil, rapeseed oil, walnut oil Sweet and salty snacks: cocoa and dark chocolate in moderate amounts (min. 70% cocoa content) Drinks: coffee (black or with whipped cream instead of milk), unsweetened fruit and herbal teas, water, home-brewed water Sweetener: erythritol or stevia







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